Making Money With Articles - the Importance of Keywords
What is a Keyword?
A keyword is a word that is going to be placed in your article several times, not just once as that would make every word a keyword. When a spider sees that you have a word placed several times in an article, it will determine that your page may be useful to users that search for such a keyword.
Over Optimizing Your Articles
It is important to note that there is also such a thing as over optimizing your articles for particular words, this is known as "keyword stuffing". When you stuff keywords in an article a spider will detect that you are trying to trick it into placing your article high in the search engine results for that word, and will instead penalize your site and your page for doing such. This may even affect the rankings of your other pages or get your site blacklisted from a particular search engine if you are found keyword stuffing too many times.
What is Keyword Density?
Keyword density is how many times your keyword is placed in your article. Most use a percentage to determine how many times they will put a keyword in an article. For instance, if you have a 500 word article and want to achieve a keyword density of 5%, then you will need to have the keyword in your article exactly 25 times. You can find hundreds of resources and guides recommending one keyword density over another and the reasons behind the logic, however, in the end you will have to determine which density is more profitable for your articles. Each webmaster as their own density that they like to achieve based on past results. As long as you don't over optimize and you are making sufficient profit from your rankings, then you can choose whatever keyword density you like.
The Right Density
No matter what exact density you choose, it is important to place keywords so that there are more at the beginning and end to produce an hour glass effect. Having the right keyword density in your article makes it more likely that you will make money off of that article because it will rise in the search engine results and be seen by more people.
12:55 AM | 0 Comments
How to Invest Money in the Stock Market - A Basic Investment Guide
When you want to know how to invest money in the stock market you need to learn the stock market basics. Itýs best to open a brokerage account ahead of time and learn how to place the order long before you begin to think of your stock portfolio. Knowing how to trade ahead of time takes the pressure off the trade itself and puts your focus on the matter at hand, the purchase of the stock and the investing strategies.
A few of the terms that youýll notice at the trade center are limit order/market order, stop loss/trailing stops, good till canceled/day order and fill or kill/all or nothing. Of course, the order also contains the spot where you place the stock symbol and the number of shares you wish to buy.
If you have limited funds or buy penny stock, itýs best you know how to invest money in the stock market with a limit order. The limit order simply states a price that youýll buy or sell the stock. If you choose to buy with a market order, you get the price that the stock sells for at that moment. On a rapidly escalating stock price, it might be a lot higher than you anticipated paying. If you set a limit purchase order and the price is lower, you get the lower price. Good till canceled means the order extends until you cancel it and day order is for one day. Stop loss and trailing stops protect your profit and stave off loss by selling if the stock drops to a certain point. Fill or kill and all or nothing are terms for functions used when trading stocks that donýt have a lot of volume.
You need to also decide how to invest in the stock market. That may sound like double talk but it is the decision whether you wish to invest long term or short term. Short-term traders investing strategies differ greatly from long-term investors. The investing basics of the long-term investor look for stocks of companies that grow over time, often return dividends or take stock splits and fill a need for today and the future. The short-term investing guide tends to look at just technical side of the stock and many times donýt even know what the company does, let alone the fundamentals. Often short-term investors are day traders.
No matter which type of investing you choose you need to know how to invest money in the stock market using the tools of the trade. The fundamentals of the company include the profit and loss statement, the price to earnings ratio, the management team and the effects of different economic conditions. Technical investors use the movement of the stock price from the past to attempt to predict its future movement. Stock market education involves understanding at least one of these if youýre a dedicated investor.
For the casual investor, a simple investing guide is to know the business and the product. If you want to know how to invest in the stock market the simplest way, find a product that you like and you know others really like. Find out the company that makes that product and see if they make other products you recognize and know are quality. Look at the stock price and check the direction of the stock. If itýs stable or going up, check out whether the company made a profit. This may be just the stock you want if see both profit and the stock movement is good. A number of top investors use this ýinvesting for dummiesý method to make their choice.
If you want to know how to invest in the stock market but arenýt willing to take the time to learn, you might reconsider. If you just ask someone how to invest money without any background in the area, you are turning your money over to the whims and beliefs of another.
If you want to be rich then the easiest way to achieve this goal is to become an investor. Learn an amazing Basic Stock Market Investment Strategy that everyday people are using to earn $5,000 per month is giving away a Free Investment DVD about How To Invest Money In The Stock Market
12:53 AM | 1 Comments
101 Stock Market Investing - Finding Stock Market Industry Beta
Stock Market Industry Beta is the measure of how a stock?s trading price moves compared to the market as a whole. Knowing this figure one can understand how volatile a stock is. A beta of 1 means a stock?s price fluctuates exactly as much as the market. A beta less than 1 means a stock is less volatile than the market and a beta greater than 1 means that stock is more volatile than the market.
Betas can be determined for entire industries also. The ?industry beta? would compare the volatility of the industry relative to the whole market. For example, technology stocks tend to be more volatile than the industry so the beta would be more than 1, generally.
To calculate industry beta you need some historical data of the price of the industry stock and historical price data of the entire market. For example if you were going to calculate beta over the last year for compare technology stocks versus the S&P 500, you would first gather the historical data you need. Next, determine the movements of the two prices after each trading day. This will give a percentage change versus the previous day. Once we have 365 of these we can average the group to determine the average move each made over the last year. We can call the average industry movement Ri and the average market movement Rm. Finally, divide the technology industry?s average movement by the S&P?s average movement and we will have an outcome that is less than 1 (less volatile), 1 (equally volatile), or greater than 1 (more volatile). Written out this function looks like this:
Β = Ri / Rm or B = Covariance(Ri , Rm)/ Variance(Rm)
Beta can be useful in stock research when judging how risky a stock is versus a stable investment with a guaranteed rate of return. It must be noted that the longer period of time the beta is acquired the more accurate that beta will be. Also, betas are more valuable when used with stocks that have a long record of high volume trading. Smaller stocks that don?t trade a lot can fluctuate wildly on a busy day and throw the beta out of whack for the period being measured.
12:51 AM | 0 Comments
Different Ways of Investing Money - How Small Investments Can Deliver Big Profits
I have been investing with success in the stock and forex market since 2006. Both of these markets are different ways of investing money that -if done right- can leave you with great returns in the long run.
Indeed I have always managed to achieve consistent results with forex trading, getting monthly returns of over 6 to be a lot of money you must already have some hard currency in your pocket. Therefore I always considered both the forex and stock market different ways of investing money capable of delivering a secondary income -at least in my case- given the fact that I did not have millions of dollars to invest.
By the end of 2007, I started to seriously profit from affiliate marketing, but always I remained attentive to different ways of investing money that would improve my overall performance in the online business arena. While researching some issues relevant to one of my affiliate campaigns, I stumbled upon an alternative that promised some remarkable results within my forex trading operation. I did my research on the subject and I was maybe 95 monthly return to a stunning 262 monthly profit. I mean, the guy behind this system (Marcus Leary) must have had some kind of contact with aliens or something, because he really pulled something I would definitely repute as gimmick had not I seen it with my own eyes.
Maybe putting your money in a system like this can seem a very unorthodox and a somewhat different way of investing your money, but whether you want to consider this as an investment or as a simple business expense, this system will surely turn your forex trading operation into a completely different way of investing money with a potential for profit that I could have never envisioned without the help of the system.
12:49 AM | 0 Comments
How to make money using article marketing.
12:48 AM | 0 Comments
The U.S. Dollar Is Meeting Strong Resistance
The Federal Reserve might cut rates again before year-end, as the measures taken by the U.S. government are just getting into the economic system. The U.S. dollar, in the mean time, is finding a strong resistance at current levels, albeit the short term trend stays bearish for now.
More weakness expected for the U.S. economy1:20 AM | 0 Comments
The U.S. Dollar And The Paradigm Shift
The Federal Reserve is preparing another rate cut by 50/25 basis points, but more work might be needed. In fact, for the first time in many years, the economic crisis is systemic and includes both the real economy and the financial sector. Europe is catching up. So, the European currency is still vulnerable against the U.S. dollar.
1:12 AM | 0 Comments